Kearney High School Band is headed by Nathan LeFeber and Rick Mitchell, both talented and experienced musicians in the Kearney community. They strive to teach students how to appreciate and create beautiful music, and they conduct some of the best and highest quality performances around. Their concert band is at the core of what they do, but they also offer a wide variety of additional programs, ranging from percussion techniques to AP music theory. No matter where they’re performing, Kearney High School Band strives to create music that far exceeds norms and expectations.
Control Yours worked with Kearney High School Band to create a website that showcases their work and provides information about their activities to parents and students. We designed a home page that primarily features pictures of the band’s activities, as well as songs performed by them. We used the blue and yellow of their logo as a starting point for the colors, and we employed simple page designs and text to keep the site easy to navigate and image oriented. The side bar on the sites provides links to information about what they do, as well as their many opportunities for involvement. We had a great time working with Kearney High School Band, and we wish them all the best!