The First National Bank was founded in 1885, when James H. David and Horace F. Flint began the business with $20,000 in capital. It was soon re-organized and became known as the Exchange Bank. Now over a century later, the company’s assets have expanded to above $700 million, and they continue to serve their community with the rest of the Exchange Bank family.
Control Yours worked to create a website for Exchange Bank that was clean, inviting, and that reflected the relational style with which they serve their customers. We used a blend of burgundy and white, and we arranged the site’s menu bars to make them both accessible and intuitive. We had a great time working with Exchange Bank, and we wish them many more years of successful service to their community!
Ismael “Pichie” Torres, the marketing director at Exchange Bank, has been an associate and (all formalities aside) a great friend to Control Yours since basically forever. We’ve partnered with him on a whole collection of projects in the past, so when he came to us about a redesign for Exchange Bank, we didn’t hesitate to take on the project. We collaborated with Pichie and the rest of the administrative team at Exchange Bank to put together a plan for redesigning their old website, then we set to work.
Exchange Bank has been around for a long time (seriously, like over a hundred years), so although they were interested in a slight rebranding, they wanted to make sure everything remained easily recognizable. While working on the redesign, we kept to their original colors and style, instead focusing on images and functionality. We knew the website would be fairly complex, so we took the time to do some additional planning during the creative phase. The local branch pages in particular were important to Exchange Bank, so we spent some extra time on their designs.
Communication was key for the development stage of this project. Working with a bank meant there were a lot of guidelines and regulations to adhere to—ones that we, as website designers, weren’t exceptionally familiar with. Fortunately, the Exchange Bank team was patient and careful in their instruction. We were decidedly particular with the account login aspect of the site, making sure that its security was absolutely airtight; of course, security is a massive priority for all of our projects, but we wanted to be sure to tread extra carefully while working with Exchange Bank, for obvious reasons.
Since launching the site, Control Yours has worked closely with Pichie to keep the website updated with fresh content. We created a series of custom tutorials to help their team along, detailing how to update everything from individual pages to sliders and menu items.
Initial Scope & Deliverables
Implementation of mobile accessibility and an updated, responsive design.
Inclusion of online banking options.
Creation of a system for managing branch events and the ability for team members to put in a request for publishing approval for those events.
Inclusion of “now leaving” confirmation for visitors that are logged into the website when they close out.
Training in regard to adding content, editing, and updating pages and elements.
- Optimized website images and updated “About Us” page with new photos.
- Added new slide to home page slider.
- Set up redirects for branch pages and updated branch banners.
- Added mobile banking accordion and adjusted permalinks.
- Added upload file disclaimer and implemented minor copy adjustments throughout the site.